Tuesday, April 24, 2012

2 months old!

Our little lady is 2 months old today, here is what she's been up to lately.

* She is still wearing some newborn clothes, but most of her clothes are now in the 0-3 month range. We go to the doctor tomorrow, it'll be interesting to see what she weighs. She definitely seems like a little peanut. 

* She has been having some trouble eating, having some serious spit-up sessions. After getting an ultrasound of her stomach to rule out anything major, she has been diagnosed with reflux. The dr prescribed Zantac, which she hates the taste of. We have switched to soy formula; she seems to be doing better with this and it has lead us to wonder if she has a sensitivity to lactose. We are also adding rice cereal to her formula to help her gain some weight, and also because thicker liquids stay down better. She is doing much better than when she was on regular formula, only spitting up every once in a while. This is good because it was really stressing out Momma watching her baby not get enough food. 

* We were definitely spoiled with Anabelle's sleeping habits, Charlotte hasn't gotten the message yet about how the Delaney's sleep. She typically eats, then stays awake for about an hour and then sleeps about 3 hours. Repeat. Usually once a day we'll get a 4-5 hour stretch of sleep, but it is never at night- that would be too convenient. She prefers to sleep being held by you,  but is getting better about being laid down. Frequently she will be sleeping, wake up screaming and then as soon as you pick her up she'll fall back asleep for another hour *if you continue to hold her*.  She currently sleeps in her room, in her pack and play, in the "napper" attachment. Due to the reflux, she sleeps best at an incline.  She has to be swaddled VERY tightly to sleep. We call her "Houdini" because she always manages to get her arms out. Once out of her swaddle she will not fall back asleep. She uses a pacifier, but has also begun to suck on her hand. I am hoping she makes the switch to being a thumb sucker.  

*She is starting to show more personality. This last week we have seen a lot more smiling. She likes being held, sitting in her bouncy seat, watching her big sister do anything, music, taking baths, looking out the window, and being super-cute!

We can't wait to see what the next month brings!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

DuPage Children's Museum

Last Wednesday Anabelle, Charlotte, and I met up with some friends to visit the DuPage Children's Museum in Naperville. I had been there many times before but it was a long time ago when I was teaching. I remember it being a great place to take kids,so I had been looking forward to taking Anabelle. We are only a 5 minute drive away and could even walk there if we wanted to. The admission price is $9.50 for ages 1-59. So after some thought we decided to just go ahead and get Anabelle a membership. It is $75 for a child membership and with that any 1 adult gets in free with her. Charlotte gets in free until she turns 1, after that it will probably be more cost effective to get a family membership which is $100. If you plan on going even a few times a year, it is worth it to just get the membership.  You can bring in your own food, which is always a good thing when you have toddlers-we were able to stop half way through and take a snack break. They have changed quite a few things since I had last been there, but everything is still great. They really have some fun activities and Anabelle is at the perfect age for almost all of the exhibits they have. Going there made me miss teaching a lot. They have all of the fun toys that you can afford when you have a classroom, but aren't really reasonable to buy when you have only 2 children. So I am glad that we will be going back and Anabelle and Charlotte will be able to experience some toys that we normally wouldn't play with.

In the instrument room with Angela, James and Andrew.

A huge light bright.

They have a large water play area.

Sophia in the wind tunnel.

Wow, it is really windy in here!

Snack time with James, such a happy guy!

They have a huge block area, Anabelle really liked this and spent a lot of time building.

They have a train exhibit right now, it is really fun. Andrew was VERY excited about it! They have a pretend train to ride in, a ticket window to purchase tickets, lots of train themed dress up, and a model train that you can watch.

Anabelle and James check out the mirrored tunnel.

We learned that Anabelle weighs more than Sophia, Angela had to help weigh her down on the teeter-totter.

Back for some more building.

Time for one more thing... a huge piece of plexiglass to hang colored shapes from.

What a fun day; thanks Angela, Andrew, Sophia, and James for going with us!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter: part 2

Easter morning we woke up and made waffles for breakfast while Anabelle played with all of her goodies from the Easter bunny, Grandma Sue & Grandpa Ken, and Aunt Marena & Uncle Adam. After breakfast Anabelle went outside to find the eggs that the Easter Bunny left for her. Then in the afternoon we headed over to Michael & Stephanie's for Easter lunch.

My Mom & Dad gave me some beautiful flowers for Easter.

What the Easter Bunny left for Anabelle, Charlotte & John.

Egg huntin'

Emptying her candy into a jar to keep on the counter. She has a "treat" each night after dinner.

At Michael & Steph's house (a lot of these pictures were taken by Michael)

food coma

Uncle Mike & Auntie Steph really spoiled Anabelle & Charlotte!

a mini pack and play- so cute!

sidewalk chalk

Michael & Steph had some great lawn decorations, so we took a few pictures of the girls.

Charlotte was comfy in a basket!

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter: part 1

We kicked off our Easter weekend by dying eggs with Anabelle on Friday night. We had not dyed eggs with her yet and I think we all had fun, especially John and I reliving our youth.

Look at my eggs!

Then Saturday morning we got up and headed over to the Naperville Egg Hunt. This is the second year we have gone and it is really a fun event. They basically just throw hundreds of eggs out into a field and let the kids go crazy. They break it up by age groups so no one gets hurt and it's not too crowded. Anabelle did great this year and really had a good time.

Waiting for the egg hunt to start.

Charlotte cheered on her big sister from the baby carrier.

Uncle Zac and Alex came to watch.

Uncle Joe and Aunt Kari came too!

Ready, set, go!

Ooh, look at all the eggs I found!

Grandma and Grandpa came too!

After the egg hunt we headed back to our place for a big family lunch. Both my parents and John's Dad and family came over to join us. We had a fun afternoon playing croquet and eating lots of yummy food. It was a great day!