So here we are almost halfway through January and I still haven't posted Christmas pictures. I know-bad blogger, bad!
Well I finally got my act together and uploaded all of the pictures from the last few weeks, hope you enjoy!
Anabelle watches Santa fly all over the globe
Mikey shows Anabelle where Santa is on google maps
We thought is would be cute to get a picture of Anabelle with a candy cane
John explains how the whole "present" thing works.
Anabelle unwraps her first present.
Hmmm... I wonder what it is?
ooh a doll!
Now she opens her presents from Santa
Opening presents is hard work... I think I'll just take a little nap. Notice her new napping pose (one hand sucking thumb, the other hand rubbing the bald spot on the back of her head) so funny!
One of Anabelle's favorite things to do is to look at the tree.
Here she is all dressed, hanging with Grandpa.
Spending some quality time with Uncle Mikey
Looking at the tree and her new bell ornament.
Laughing with Grandma
Merry Christmas!
Wow a giraffe, I love it!
On New Years Day we had a fun time hanging out in the kitchen while I made brunch. Anabelle loves to look at her new elf from Grandma and Grandpa while she sits in her high chair.
Playing with her new musical caterpillar, from Aunt Marena and Uncle Adam.
She loves to lay on her boppy pillow, lately she pushes herself over it with her legs and lands on her head, silly girl!
All that playing made Anabelle tired, here she is taking a nap with her glo-worm, one of her favorite new toys.
Aunt Becky stopped by for a visit.
Happy New Year!
Hanging out with Uncle Joe and Aunt Kari
Here I was trying to capture Anabelle's progress in almost rolling over. I have been putting her toys far away from her in an attempt to lure her to roll over. She is making progress, but hasn't rolled over yet.
Anabelle attended her first U of I game at the United Center. She was kinda dazed throughout the whole game. It was a lot of action for a little girl, but I think she kinda liked it. Lots of interesting things to look at. Sadly Illinois lost, but there will be other games.
We also made some visits to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Here we are trying to get some laughs out of Anabelle.
Here I caught Anabelle taking a little nap, looking so sweet.
Anabelle loves to read her new books. Here she is reading a favorite from Uncle Joe and
Aunt Kari- If you give a Mouse a Cookie
She loves her new Minnie doll from Uncle Mikey and Aunt Steph, she can hold it all by herself and tries to eat its nose.
One of her favorite things is a gift that I got, a glass globe with a Christmas tree that lights up. She can stare at it for quite some time, trying to touch it, lick it, and in general eat it. Of course we are very careful with it, but she just loves it.
This past weekend we read the paper together, Anabelle likes to look at the colorful ads while sitting in her high chair.
Here is Anabelle in a toy that her Aunt Bonnie got for her quite some time ago. When I first tried it out she was only a few weeks old and I remember thinking she'll get lost in there! Oh boy how a few months changes everything. She is finally big enough to enjoy it. In fact she loves her new tunnel. It has different textured fabrics, lots of hanging toys, and pictures of animals for her to enjoy.
Lolllll. So much cuteness. My favorite was Belle crawling over her boppy and landing on her head. Followed by reading the paper together. And... well, there's too many to list.
Good Blogger, very good blogger !!!!Loved all the pictures and the narration was so cute.Thanks for showing us all the cuteness of the Belle and all her fun new toys. I hope you are keeping an eye out for that first roll over, shouldn't be much longer! Hope you are having a great Birthday it was just about this time 31yrs ago that I had my little girl :-) She's turned out GREAT! Love you, Mom xoxoxo
Put her on a plane for Kansas City right now! I love that little girl! Be prepared, I may hide her before your flight on Monday.
If Darcy is going by "Fun Aunt Darcy",then I'll take Marena "Do aunts get any better than this" Mitchell.
Hmm, that's a bit too lengthy. How about if we just shorten it to "Crazy Aunt Marena"?
BTW, since you're a speech therapist I am fully expecting her to come home talking this weekend.
Put me as Aunt "she's had 2 days to think of a witty title and still comes up blank" Becky. :(
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