Monday, May 17, 2010

Moving around

Anabelle and I got back from the store where we got some new toys. Add in a burst of energy and I finally got some good video of her moving around. She is pretty quick despite not really crawling yet, she can get a good scoot going. Funny while unpacking the toys all she wanted to play with was the plastic bag... it's like they are naturally drawn to the things that can kill them!


Candy said...

Yeah!!!! Ya did good Christy, this is soooo much fun to watch. And you can tell she really can get around. She must have very strong arms, it seems she pulls herself around most of the time, till she figures out how much faster she will go once she gets her knees going. And to see her determination to get where she wants to go, is so funny! Thanks for sharing with us, love Mom :-)

Marena said...

The videos had me cracking up! She is so cute, trying to get what she wants, yet becoming distracted by the floor. That girl is determined!

In the 3rd video, when I saw her legs kicking, but she wasn't going anywhere, it reminded me of a certain trip on a sail boat I had with you a few years ago. You know what I'm talking about!

Keep these coming! She is amazing!