Anabelle is 17 months old today! Here are some stats about our little girl for you:
* She sleeps from about 7:30 pm to 7:30 am, with a 3 hour nap in the afternoon
* She eats everything! She loves to eat any kind of meat, her favorite usually. She also loves all dairy. She likes most fruits, and a few veggies (she used to be so much better about eating veggies). She usually likes carbs, but will take meat over grains. She LOVES raisins, cheese, crackers, and any deserts =)
* She has 12 teeth, I think that's it but she may have more, when I try to look she bites me.
* She has slowed down on her growing, probably due to all the running around. She has stayed in a size 18 months for a while now, and can fit in some things size 24 months. This is nice because I don't feel like we are constantly buying new clothes. She makes up for it with shoes though because her feet are growing pretty quickly, she wears a size 4 now, but not for long!
*During her "free" time she likes to climb on the couches, play with any pots/pans/bowls that she pulls out of the cabinets, read books, dance, pull every item out of drawers/closets/cabinets, explore!, go for walks, and smile at or meet new people.
*She knows basic body parts and will point to her nose, mouth, eyes, tongue, ears, hair, etc.
*She is good at following 1 step directions like; put it back, close the ___, open the ___, come here, no-no, bring mommy the ____.
*She is starting to get a little sassy. She will sometimes run and hide behind a door when you call her to come to you. Or if you want to pick her up to do something she doesn't want to do, she will fall to the floor and go dead weight on you. Yesterday after our trip to downtown Naperville she didn't want to leave and she actually threw a temper tantrum (I think her 1st).
*Most of the time she is REALLY good, learning to help out and following directions.
*This is my favorite!! She has learned to give hugs and kisses. When Anabelle was born she spent her entire 1st month sleeping on me, which sounds fabulous now, but at the time I was tired of sleeping on the couch sitting up, and desperately wanted to lay flat in my own bed =) As soon as she learned to crawl, she was done cuddling. She wasn't interested in being hugged, or cuddled; she was too busy moving, too much to explore. Of course we hugged and kissed her anyway, but it's so much nicer when you get hugged back. So a couple of weeks ago she started laying her little head on your shoulder and giving hugs! Sometimes she'll give you a little kiss too, we're working on that.
* She is so fun to watch!
Well that's all I can think of, feel free to ask questions if there is anything you think I missed. Here are some pictures from our walk yesterday. It has been really nice and warm around here, so we went downtown Naperville and explored. We walked over by the river and looked at the ducks, and played with the melting ice and snow. Anabelle was very happy to run up and down the bridge and look around.
Wow, I just love that little girl so much! What a great blog and I love hearing about her personality and all of her great skills. I can't wait to see her again so that I can smother her in kisses and hugs.
I was surprised to learn that she can identify body parts. I had not seen this trick before and it was unable to be reproduced this morning in the kitchen, but maybe she had stage fright. I remain skeptical.
I think that my wife is being a bit charitable in saying that she's "good at following 1-step directions." More accurately, she is "good at understanding" them but she views them more as suggestions instead of instructions.
Whatever! She's brilliant!
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