Monday, May 9, 2011

Water play!

Anabelle got this wonderful sensory table for her birthday last year from Marena and Adam. We have had it in our rec room since September and have used it a few times. As you can imagine Anabelle has not yet learned how to keep the water in the table, so I haven't been able to take any good pictures of her playing because I am usually busy hovering nearby making sure she doesn't decide to put any non-water toys in the table or dump all the water on the floor. She loves playing with water and today played outside for well over an hour. I am thrilled that it is now warm enough here to move the table outside to play, and I can relax and take pictures. I look forward to playing with it all summer!

1 comment:

Candy said...

LOVE THE ANABELLE, the pictures are so cute! Thanks for sharing ♥ YOU :-)