Thursday, December 1, 2011

O' Christmas Tree

Our tree is up and the decorations are out, we are ready for Christmas at our house!

This year we have 2 trees, a big tree or "everybody's tree" as we are calling it, and a smaller tree that is just for Anabelle. Anabelle's tree has all non-breakable ornaments that she can take off and put on as many times as she'd like. I'd also like to work on some crafts with her to decorate her own tree. The big tree has mostly non-breakable or sturdy ornaments on the bottom (with the good ones on top), and Anabelle is allowed to touch them but not take them off. So far this is working pretty good-but we may still be in the honeymoon phase. She really likes to look at the ornaments on the big tree and even says "hi" to them all, giving them a little shake to see if they make noise. She is so fun to watch!

Checking out the big tree.

Here is Anabelle's little tree.

We have also been listening to lots of Christmas music around here. My favorite is a mix of various artists all on one album, it was sold by Avon back in the 80s and my Mom used to play it often. It always makes me think of Christmas as a kid. A few years ago I was able to find it all on itunes and make my own, since the cassette tape was no longer working (never mind the fact that I don't even have a cassette player). The last song on the album is the Muppets version of 12 days of Christmas. This has become a favorite of Anabelle's, and is referred to as the "Piggy song". She requests the piggy song SEVERAL times a day. Not sure how much longer the Avon album will stay my favorite if I have to hear the piggy song 52 times a day :)

I am very excited for all of the fun Christmas activities that are coming up, I know Anabelle will have a great time this year!

1 comment:

Candy said...

"hello angel", very nice blog Sweetheart nice to see little Belle is just like her Mommy and loves Christmas and all that comes with it! Love, Mom :-)