Friday, August 31, 2012

Charlotte is 6 months old!

Oh boy where has this summer gone? I am so behind in blogging it has become ridiculous. I am hoping to find some time to catch up soon, because I have so many pictures of our fun Summer adventures to share and since it is almost Fall I better get on it!

Even though this is now going to make my posts out of order I am going to skip ahead and post about little Miss Charlotte. She has turned 6 months old and is no longer a newborn, she is a very active baby. We went to the Dr and she weighed in at 16 lbs 2 oz which puts her in the 50%ile, her height is 24 1/2 inches which places our little shortie in the 10%ile, and her head is 42 1/2 cm which is the 50%ile. She is perfect! She has 2 bottom teeth and eats pureed bananas, peaches, apples, avocado, peas, sweet potatoes, and mashed potatoes. She also loves teething biscuits and had some pizza crust that she loved! The dr gave us the go ahead to start introducing dairy which I am hoping goes well since she has been on soy formula for the last 5 months.

Charlotte typically goes to bed around 7 or 7:30 and sleeps till around 1am, wakes up to have a bottle. She then goes back to sleep till either 5, 6 or 7 am. You never know. It is a mystery to me, if I could figure out what makes her sleep till 7- I would repeat it every day :)  She is getting better at napping, but it is very inconsistent in length. Sometimes she'll sleep 30 minutes and sometimes 2 1/2 hours, it's different every day.  I have to say that it is much harder to give her the nap environment she needs when you have another child who wants to go play and do things. If I stayed home and let her and Anabelle nap in their beds when they needed to, we would never leave the house. So Charlotte's sleep experience is different than Anabelle's was. I definitely think that her napping schedule impacts her night time sleeping schedule. That combined with her reflux issues in the beginning of her life and her tendency to get stuck in the bars of her crib have made sleep training more difficult with Charlotte. She has thankfully grown out of the getting stuck stage. The older she gets the better she is sleeping and I think that once she moves to one long nap a day, then her sleep schedule will really improve.

Charlotte is sitting up on her own, when I go in to get her out of her crib in the morning she is sitting up smiling at me. Given how strong she is we have decided to drop her mattress down so that I don't find her trying to climb out some morning :)   She has quickly shown in the last month that she is ready to start crawling.  She is easily frustrated but when she isn't tired and sees something she wants, she is very motivated to get it. She is able to drag her body around and scoot and roll and move to get to what she desires most of the time it's her big sisters toys. She doesn't quite have the crawling movement pattern down, but she can kinda army crawl. It's fun to watch her being able to make choices in what she wants to play with. She is a very happy, smiley, sweet baby. She loves to cuddle and give kisses. And by kisses I mean attempt to eat you  :)   I took her to JCPenny to get her 6 month photos and they came out so cute! I love them. She is such a beautiful little girl and I frequently have a hard time capturing it in my pictures. They did a great job of catching her adorable smiles!

1 comment:

Candy said...

Love the pictures,she is adorable!! and so much fun to watch her grow, she is such a love ♥♥♥