Not too much going on here. John and I had a nice weekend, on Friday we had dinner with an old friend from high school, that John now works with, we had a good time. Then we went to the Shakespeare theatre at Navy Pier to see a play called Passion, it wasn't anything special, I would save your money. If you want details I'll be happy to fill you in. Saturday we just relaxed and then went to my mom and dads for dinner with some family friends and my brother and Stephanie. Of course the conversation always turns to politics, but this time it wasn't that bad. Maybe we were trying to be a little nicer for the sake of our friends visiting, yeah right! Anyway there was no screaming which is always a good thing. Then on Sunday my big excitement was cleaning out the big closet we have in the living room, it seemed that every time I opened the door random stuff would fly out at me as if trying to escape the cluttered mess. So I decided it was time to clean it out. It's such a gratifying feeling to finish a task like that. Lately I have been on a "give it to goodwill" kick, in the past 2 months we have filled about 8 garbage bags of stuff to get rid of. It feels good, when you have such a small apartment you really have to be that way. Sunday night we went to see the premier of the a movie at the Chicago International Film Festival, called Slipstream it was directed by and starred Anthony Hopkins, and he personally introduced the film, although didn't say anything spectacular. It was cool to see a real "red carpet" and the movie was pretty good too, even though it was one of those -I'm gonna confuse the heck out of you so bad that you don't even remember that you're at the movies-movie. Maybe John will elaborate on his blog, he likes to write about stuff like that. So overall a good weekend. This Tuesday we are going to see Van Halen with some friends, maybe I'll have something to report.
Okay Anonymous if you would have been patient you would have seen that I was just gearing up for the Top 10 things I love about fall:
You can open all of the windows in the house
You can wear a thick sweater
No sweating!
The smell of crisp air
The leaves changing colors
Carving pumpkins
Apple crisp
Yes I recall how excited you were about football when I had on a Bears pre-season game in August and you said "Oh god no! How can it be football already?!" And then I believe it was just last night that I had the game on and you said, "OK, I'm going in the other room to watch something interesting."
No sweating - I wish there was a season where that applied to me.
Now that you've said you love apple crisp you have to make enough for the entire class.
that picture thing is just creepy.
Hi Christy,
I'm with sloth, on this one .. Can you change it??? Sorry, it's annoying.Not a fan. Love you! Mom
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