Thursday, June 17, 2010

9 months old

Trying to get Anabelle to sit still for a picture can be a challenge =)

Anabelle turned 9 months old yesterday and here are her stats:
weight-20 lbs. 2 oz
length-28 1/2 inches
head circumference- 17 7/8 inches
tooth count-2 bottom, 1 top

Sleeping- Typically Anabelle sleeps 7:30 pm to 7:30 am (awesome!) with 2 naps during the day. She will not nap unless at home in her crib or in her pack and play. This makes running errands difficult, as she won't sleep in the car or stroller. Oh well, I'll take it-at least she sleeps at home.

Eating-She has been eating a lot of fruits and veggies. Now she is trying out real table foods, and learning how to munch. Likes: bananas, sweet potatoes, pancakes, and gelato. Dislikes: meat, green veggies on their own (she'll eat them when you mix them with something else), and avacado.

Movement-Belle is using an army crawl to get around, and man she is fast! She is starting to look for things to pull herself up on. She gets angry when you put her in any type of holding device-be it your arms, highchair, or jumparoo. Lately she attempts to crawl away during diaper changes, making waste removal challenging and dangerous. The best way to keep her from hurling herself off the changing table is to either sing to her or make goat noises.

Talking-Anabelle has been doing lots of babbling and noise making. She frequently will squeal and scream for no apparent reason, choosing inopportune places like the grocery store to test out her vocal chords. She can say ba-ba, da-da, and ma-ma. However these sounds are not linked to an actual bottle, dad or mom. But it's fun to hear =)

Happy 9 months Belle!

Here are some pictures, I took her to the park across the street yesterday, she is wearing a dress that I wore as a baby.


Anonymous said...

Great Blog Mommy, thanks for all the info and the wonderful pictures :-) Your little wiggle worm is sleeping peacefully right now. Have you been singing her her ABC'S, while changing her, she seemed to recognize it when it was changing her ;-) that was before I read this. Guess it doesn't go completely away, I've still got(some of) it ;-) Love Mom :-)

Laura said...

That's adorable, and it's a great idea to write stuff like the goat noises down. It'll make great blackmail material later. =) Plus those little details are what make the memories so rich!