I know there is snow on the ground, but signs of spring are popping up. This week I noticed all of the daffodils and irises are starting to peak out of the dirt. It's nice to see some green. I am starting to think of projects I want to complete for our yard this summer. I have recently spent some time (ok a lot of time) on Pinterest looking at mud kitchens. I think I am going to set one up for the girls to play with this summer. Nothing too elaborate; just go to the thrift store and get some old muffin tins, a colander, some spoons, bowls, and pans. And any other fun kitchen gadgets we see, and then set up a space where they can dig in the dirt, play with the mud and make mud pies. I also saw on Pinterest where you can set up a rain collection barrel with a spigot, so the kids can get their own water for the kitchen and you don't have to worry about them wasting water from the main hose. We'll have to look into setting that up, I think it would be great for watering plants too. I also would like to plant some herbs that the girls can have free reign to pick for their kitchen creations.
While all of these great ideas were swimming around in my head I saw this the other day in a mail flyer:
Last year I had been thinking about a playhouse for the yard, but all I ever saw were plastic ones and I don't really like the look of those. Also they fade and they get very warm in the sun. I really wanted a wooden one, but all of them seemed so expensive! This one is pretty reasonable, but still a good chunk of money. I thought of my brother Mike who is great at building things ( he made Anabelle a beautiful toybox). So I sent him a message and we decided we need to discuss it further. But I think it may turn into a big family project where we build our own playhouse! I would love for Anabelle and Charlotte to be a part of the building process. Not only because it's fun, but also to see how things are constructed and put together. So I need to start doing some research on what design we want and how much things will cost etc. But hopefully we'll have a playhouse this summer! Maybe a little something like this? What do you think Uncle Mikey? LOL!
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