So to catch you up quickly here are the highlights from November in no particular order.
1. I am going to be an Aunt! My brother and Stephanie are having a baby, due sometime in June. I couldn’t be any happier, and can’t wait to baby sit and spoil the new little one.
2. John and I are in the process of buying a condo! It is in Evanston just a few blocks from the downtown shopping area and the train. The place is beautiful; it is a 2 bedroom, fully rehabbed, brand new everything, masterpiece! So far everything is going smoothly and we are hoping to close on Christmas Eve.
3. Marena came to visit and we had a blast! She came in for a weekend and we really enjoyed spending time together. On Saturday we went to my mom’s for her “tea party”. Thanks mom we had a great time. Then Saturday night all of the girls were good sports and went to Millennium Park to ice skate with me even though I am sure it wasn’t top on their list of things to do. We had fun. We finished off the night with Portillio’s and then back to my place to have some wine and gossip, always a good time. Thanks for making the trip Marena!
4. We went to Houston for Thanksgiving. I think I ate more while we were there than I have in a long time. We had a nice visit with the family, got to see the nieces and nephews and just relaxed. We went to the racetrack to watch the horses and after countless times of going to the track, I won my first bet, only $22 but still fun.
Okay now that you are all caught up and I hope I haven’t forgotten anything or anyone, we can go back to the everyday stuff.
Here are some pictures from the month.