Tuesday, September 22, 2009

1st week home

So I have been trying to blog for about 3 days now and it just isn't happening. The Delaney Family is doing well and getting adjusted to life at home with a newborn. It is great to be home from the hospital and able to sleep in our own beds, and shower, and just relax without having the interruption of nurses in and out of your room all day and night. We have had lots of visitors over the last few days and John's mom is in from Texas for the week. It has been nice to have the extra help from everyone. Anabelle currently has her days and nights mixed up, and so mommy has been quite tired. This doesn't make for good blog writing. So here are some pictures to tide you over till the next time I get a wave of energy and feel like blogging ;)

1st doctors appointment, she is doing great!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

40 weeks 3 days

Just an little update for all of you out there wondering when this little baby will arrive. We went to the doctor this morning where they hooked me up to a machine to monitor the baby's heart rate and any contractions that I may be having. After about 30 minutes everything looked normal and they disconnected me. After my examination everything else appeared to be fine; I am still dilated to 4 cm and 100% effaced. All of the doctors are now amazed that I haven't had this baby yet. I have contractions frequently but they are really irregular and then after a few hours they go away. My blood pressure was high for me, but still within the normal range so no reason for concern yet. It's no wonder my blood pressure is high I am just a little stressed waiting for Anabelle to come :) After some discussion with the doctor we decided that I will be induced on Friday; if she hasn't already come by then. Of course the doctor says, "but I really think she'll come before that"; well, we have been hearing that for the last 2 weeks so I am a little skeptical. Other than that not much else going on here, I have been trying to keep busy. It is nice to know that there is an end in sight. Thanks to everyone for all of the well wishes and messages we have received! Here are some pictures from the doctor this morning.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy No-Labor Day!

Just a short post to let you all know that Anabelle is still cooking. I have pretty much done nothing this past week, except spend a lot of time sitting on the couch. This past weekend is the first time inmany years that John and I haven't gone out of town for Labor Day. We did some grilling with friends on Saturday and my parents came over for lunch on Sunday and that is about the extent of our excitement. I was really hoping to go into labor on Labor Day but as of 8:45 pm that hasn't happened. So sadly I have nothing else to report, hopefully we will have some news for you soon.

Since this is such a short post here are some extra pictures from the baby shower at John's work on Aug 27th.