I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, I know I did. We hosted this year and I was lucky enough to have 10 friends and family over. Everything went splendidly and we all ate a ton! Of course I had a lot of help from my mom, Steph, and John too; thanks!
With Thanksgiving over I wasted no time getting ready for Christmas. I feel like it all goes by so fast, so I like to decorate right away. This is our first Christmas in the new place. Here is the tree, which I was able to put in the front window.

It's Sunday which is football day in our house. John's brother Joe and his girlfriend Kari came over to hang out and we decided to get in the holiday spirit.

Christy Kringle

Father John Christmas

Joe St.Nick

Kari Claus

Morgan wanted to know what all the fuss was about

Santa Morgan
Have fun getting into the Christmas spirit at your house!