Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas pictures are coming soon... in the meantime here is some video I took today after getting Anabelle up from a long nap.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
High Chair Hi-Jinx
Lately in the mornings Anabelle wakes me up and the first thing we do is go into the kitchen to make coffee. She has become more patient in the mornings and can now wait the 5 minutes it takes for me to make the coffee before she has her bottle. While I am making coffee she sits in her high chair and laughs at me. Anabelle is definitely a morning person and usually wakes up very smiley. Her new favorite pose in the high chair is to slump over to the side in an effort to get her left foot up on the tray. She then bangs her feet on the tray and gets very excited. This has led me to 2 thoughts; the first is that we have a monkey for a child and the second is how am I going to teach her table manners b/c when she does this behavior I just laugh and grab the camera.
I think that the caption for the next picture should be, "Hey guys party's at my place tonight!"
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday my mom and I made our annual trip downtown to visit Macy's and go to the Christkindle Market, only this year we had one additional stop-Santa. Anabelle needed to make a visit to the big man and give him her list so we decided to visit him at Macy's. We arrived early to get in line, it wasn't too bad about 30 minutes total. When Belle finally got up to Santa she was very calm sitting on his lap happily while he chatted with her. Santa took his time and explained how things worked with the whole Santa/Christmas thing, Belle listened patiently and posed for some pictures. She did great.
Then after Santa we went and had lunch in the Walnut Room under the tree. We were lucky enough to not have to wait in line. The tree looked great this year, all silver. And the topper was done by Waterford Crystal.
After lunch we headed over to Daley Plaza to the Christkindle Market- a really neat place to walk around and shop and eat. It was crowded and therefore a little insane to try and push the stroller through the masses. I used to make comments about people like me "They're crazy to try and push a stroller through here" now I am the crazy person. Oh well like we all didn't know I am a little crazy =)
After all the walking and shopping we were exhausted and ready for a break so we went to the 8th floor of Macy's to "test" out some furniture. Clearly everyone had the same idea. Now they actually have a stand set up where they sell bottled water and coffee. People were stretched out on couches sleeping and relaxing in recliners with their shoes off. It has become the popular spot to wait for your table for lunch/dinner at the Walnut Room. We rested and fed Anabelle before the trek home. All in all it was a great day eating, shopping, and visiting Santa.
Friday, December 18, 2009
3 months old!!
At the time I took this pic, she was yelling "Hey! I am 3 months old!!!"
Belle dressed up for our Christmas Party
I think she's smiling because she is plotting how to eat my gingerbread house
All bundled up and ready to go out into the cold. Auntie Steph and Uncle Mikey found this awesome hat for Belle-I love it! So cute.
A lot has been going on here at the Delaney house, we have been getting ready for Christmas by shopping, baking, and wrapping, along with spending time with family and friends. Anabelle has been busy as usual playing, eating, and sleeping. She is become more and more active everyday. She now actively plays with toys, trying to reach out for them, shaking them and putting them in
her mouth. It is very fun to watch. Often when I try to get out the camera she becomes distracted by the camera and stops playing. In the following video, I stayed far away on the couch and just zoomed in to catch her in action playing and just smiling away at her toys.
We also have ventured out into the cold weather to take some walks. We have a wonderful thing called the bundle me for when she is in the car seat, it's like a polar fleece sleeping bag that zips around her whole car seat-wonderful!
But she also has a big fluffy snow suit for when we just go out in her stroller. It is one size too big, but I was worried she would grow out of the smaller size before March which is probably when she'll be able to stop wearing it. Anyway it is pretty funny to see her in the snow suit.
Since Thanksgiving Anabelle has also started a new sleeping schedule. She is now putting herself to sleep, which means that at night we lay her down in her crib and she cries for a few minutes and then falls asleep-all by herself. No more rocking her to sleep, tiptoeing to the crib and praying she doesn't wake up when you lay her down. She tends to sleep around 11 hours without waking up, which I think is amazing at this age. The during the day she takes a few baby naps, and usually one big 2-3 hour nap. I do realize how lucky I am to have a baby who sleeps well. Here Daddy is spending some quality time with Anabelle before bedtime.
Finally here is some video from yesterday, Anabelle turned 3 months old, and we were hanging out on the floor.
This weekend is a busy one, Anabelle and I are meeting my mom downtown to go to Macy's and see Santa, then we are going to the Christkindle Market in Daley Plaza, something we love to do every year; we'll see how Anabelle likes it. Then on Saturday evening, we are going to dinner to celebrate Lexi's birthday!! Hope you all have a great weekend, I am sure I'll have pics from the weekend on Monday.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Anabelle has really gotten much more smiley lately. It seems that when she is awake, fed, and feeling good she just smiles at you the whole time. I took some video this morning of us just hanging out on the couch.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Thanksgiving in Houston
The Saturday before Thanksgiving I woke up with fearful thoughts of my child screaming her way through our 2 1/2 hour flight to Texas. Even the idea of going through security made me a little nervous. Gone were our carefree days of skipping through the airport with empty arms and plenty of time to enjoy a coffee and look around the gift shop before boarding the plane. We now had a BABY with us -cue the dramatic music.
Getting out the door that morning went much more smoothly than I anticipated. Mostly thanks to my mom who had stayed over the night before to babysit for us and so she was there the following morning to take care of Belle while we got everything ready, and then drive us to the airport. Thanks mom! Once at the airport we were pleasantly surprised to find that everything went quickly and easily. Anabelle was in a good mood, and right on schedule to take a nap during the flight. We were able to get through security without any issues (I wasn't worried about being frisked or anything it was more just the hassle of unloading and reloading everything while everyone around you wants you to hurry along) So we finally got on the plane and I gave Anabelle a bottle as we were going up, she drank the whole thing without a peep and promptly fell asleep. She slept for the whole flight waking up when we touched down and the captain said "Welcome to Houston" She was looking around and checking it all out, and I was relieved. We had made it and managed to not drive everyone around us crazy. We even got several comments on how good our baby was. Duh... I knew that ;) Here is Anabelle on her 1st plane ride.
Here Anabelle's Aunt Mary (his brother Mike's wife) who has had a lot of experience with babies (they have 4 wonderful children) rocks Belle to sleep after a long day of visiting with family.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
5 o'clock news
Flying home from Houston today, we were interviewed at Midway and then put on the 5 o'clock news tonight. Gotta love when they get you on tv at your worst... just flown with a baby at 7 am. More to come soon, I have lots of pictures from Texas to share, just thought I'd get this video up.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
2 Months Old!
Anabelle is 2 months old today and I can't believe it! Time is going by very quickly, and she is getting bigger and bigger. Lots going on around here in the last few days. On Saturday Michale and Steph moved into a new place and Anabelle and I drove out to check it out. It is a very cute place and it looks like they will love being there! After all of the moving, Grandma and Grandpa Smith had volunteered to babysit Anabelle so that I could attend a girls night with some friends. So after getting her set up I was off to Roscoe Il to see Erin's new place and hang with the ladies, we had a great time relaxing and chatting. On Sunday there was lots of driving getting back to my mom's and then back home, Belle and I were exhausted and took a nap!
My Aunt Karen was visiting from Texas so on Monday we went downtown to meet up with my mom and my Aunt. Belle had her first El ride, she was looking around a lot, and you could tell she was thinking, "what have you gotten me into mom?" I had her in the Baby Bjorn thinking it would be much easier than navigating with a stroller. It wasn't too bad, but it is definitely more work lugging around a baby and a backpack full of supplies. Not sure how I would do it in the winter when you have to be all bundled up. We met up with my aunt and mom at the Sears Tower, my aunt had never been in it. I hadn't been up there in years and thought, "OK I'll try out that new Ledge thing." For anyone who doesn't know, they have built 4 glass cubes that pop out of the wall on the skydeck level, and you can walk out into them. I am not a huge fan of heights but it was pretty cool to see and after a few minutes of psyching myself up, I was able to slowly inch my way out onto the glass. Harder than it looks, but still fun!
The next few days will be spent getting ready for our trip to Texas on Saturday, yes we will be taking our first airplane ride with Anabelle and we are hoping it goes smoothly :) We are looking forward to some warm weather and spending some quality time with Grandma Sue and Grandpa Ken! Anabelle will also get to meet her Uncle Mike and Aunt Mary and all of her cousins for the first time. We are very excited! This week we also have a 2 month wellness checkup for Anabelle, where she will get weighed and some shots. I am curious to see how much she weighs... I am guessing 13 lbs at the least! I'll let you know on Thursday. Have a great week everyone!
I bought a Christmas cactus and Anabelle was very into looking at it and trying to touch it.
Hey guys I am 2 months old today!
Belle rides the El
My mom, Anabelle and I out on the Ledge at the Sears Tower
Just a cute pic of a naked Belle :)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
We spent the weekend at Becky's family lake house and had a great time! We arrived Friday and spent the evening chatting with friends, eating, playing games, and sitting by the fire. Saturday we woke up to a big breakfast and plans to go to Tanners Orchard. They have lots of animals to see, a big play area for the kids, a corn maze, and a wonderful country store with lots of yummy foods. This weekend was their big open house where they gave out free samples of all of their foods. We ate our way through the store, and it was delicious! Then we decided to walk around a little.
Hanging out by the llamas.
Anabelle eyeing the corn maze and decides to sit it out this year. So we sat in the grass and took a breather while waiting for everyone else.
After the orchard we headed back to Becky's to nap, cook and eat some yummy foods, rake and burn leaves, take a walk to look at the stars, eat smores around the fire, play games, and generally have a relaxing time. Anabelle was a great traveler and had no trouble joining in the fun! Sunday morning we were up early and on the road home. Thanks Becky we had a lot of fun and can't wait to go back!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Have a great weekend!
We are off to enjoy a weekend at Becky's Cabin. We expect to have a great time and enjoy some nice Fall weather-high of 67 and sunny! Hope everyone else has a great weekend too, I am sure we'll have pictures to share on Monday.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Having fun with Morgan
Yesterday was a beautiful day here in Evanston. Anabelle and I went for a walk around downtown to do some window shopping, grabbed some coffee at Starbucks, and then headed to the park to sit and enjoy a nice Fall day.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Hope everyone has a great Halloween. Tonight we will be having dinner with some friends and then watching a scary movie. Then on Saturday Belle and I will be spending the day traveling with Grandma and Grandpa Smith to visit Bonnie in Ohio. This will be Belle's first trip out of state. We are looking forward to seeing Bonnie!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Hot Tamale!
We had an eventful weekend here at the Delaney house. On Friday John worked from home and was able to watch Anabelle for a little while so that I could go get a massage. It was one of the best massages I have ever had, rivaled with the massage we got on our honeymoon. I was telling John how wonderful it was and how good the girl was who gave the massage and John seemed to think that maybe it was related to the amount of stress I have been in and that it was similar to the stress I was in after our wedding, and that that is why it was so good. Yeah, he could be right :)
On Friday night we had some friends over to play poker. Both John and I love playing poker and used to host games all the time, but over the last 2 years we haven't been playing as much poker as we like, so we were really happy to have everyone over. Anabelle chose to stay awake all day and then crash from 8:30 pm to about 4 am, which was nice because John and I could both enjoy playing and not have to be on baby duty. Of course we both lost, but had a great time.
The next day we went out to Zion, IL to a Chili Cookoff Contest Party hosted by our friends Michael and Inga. Every year they host this party and John has enjoyed making his chili and entering it in the past years. He has won 2nd place in the past, so we were excited to see how he would do this year.
In honor of the party and Anabelle being the youngest participant Inga made a onesie for Anabelle with a Chili Pepper on it. It was so cute and thoughtful-Thanks Inga!
At the Chili Party, Anabelle and Phil are deep in conversation
Congratulations on taking 2nd place again John, even though I can hardly eat your chili because it is so hot- it is tasty!
We had a great time at the party, thanks Michael and Inga!
The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing, and enjoying a lazy Sunday. Hope everyone else had a great weekend too!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Pumpkin picking
On Tuesday John was off from work, the weather was beautiful, and we had some fun activities planned. Anabelle had her 1 month well baby visit to Dr. Andy. She is doing great, weighing in at 10lbs 6oz and 22 inches long. She did have to get 1 shot, her HepB vaccine, but she took it like a champ only crying for a second.
After the doctor it was time to go to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkin, we drove about 45 minutes to Didier Farm in Deerfield. It wasn't as good as Quig's Orchard that we used to go to, sadly they closed, but it was ok. We thought it would be less crowded being on a weekday, but we forgot about the school children who were visiting. It made me remember when I used to take my students to the pumpkin patch, those were some of my favorite field trips. Anabelle helped us look through all of the pumpkins picking out a big one to take home. After that we had to stop by the bake shop and load up on apple cider, corn on the cob, homemade cheese popcorn, and apple cider donuts-Yum!!
Anabelle gives her approval of the pumpkin
Hi Grandma Jackson! Look I'm wearing the Halloween shirt you got me, it's so cute!
A beautiful Fall day!
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