John and I are enjoying a little spring break vacation, and I thought I would keep you updated on all of the fun things that we are doing. John’s brother Joe is able to join us for the weekend on this trip so he is traveling along with us. Currently I am sitting on the balcony of our condo writing this blog enjoying the beautiful weather.

Yesterday we checked into our condo to be greeted by this fellow on our bed, I am such a sucker for these things-so cute!

Then it was off to the Cubs spring training game. We had lawn seats and really enjoyed being able to spread out on the grass and watch the game. It was quite crowded, but a fun group to sit around. The Cubs killed the White Sox something like 12-0. It was record heat, sunny and 89, anyone who knows me knows that I love hot weather, but I think that being pregnant is affecting my thermostat, because it was a little warm for me. But hey compared to the 20 degree weather in Chicago I am not complaining. Enjoyed some nachos and lemonade at the game (first cubs game not having a beer and a hotdog-so sad).

After the game we decided to go for a hike, there are some beautiful mountains to hike around here, all with great trails to follow. John and I love to hike but this time I was a little cautious and decided we should go for a really easy hike, I didn’t want to slip and fall. So we decided on Pinnacle Peak, an easy hike. We went just prior to sunset so that it was cooler, and had a nice time. The pictures here don’t do the views justice.

We are about to hike this

Views from on the way up

Here we are at the top

On the way down the sun started to set and you could see the moon, it is at the very top of the picture, a little crescent.

Close up cactus

Driving home we watched the sunset.
After the hike we were starving so it was time for a shower and then off to a Mexican restaurant where we had some really good food. After that I was exhausted and promptly fell asleep leaving the boys up to burn the midnight oil.
On the agenda for today is lots of time by the pool, In and Out Burger for lunch and just relaxing. The boys are going to hike Camelback Mountain later today which sounded way too dangerous for a pregnant woman-so jealous. I’ll be posting every time I get some new pictures so check back.