Monday, January 25, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Are you sure you're supposed to eat this?
On Thursday Anabelle had her 4 month wellness visit. Dr Andy said she was doing great! Well we knew that =)
Belle weighed in at 15.5 lbs. and measured 24 inches long. She is a little big for her age, but he said that was fine. We found out answers to all of our questions and also got a lot of information on our next big event. Anabelle is now allowed to eat solids!! (and by solid I mean food pureed until it is a runny liquid)
So yesterday we tried rice cereal and so far Belle isn't really eating much of it. Basically I put it on the spoon and into her mouth, she sits there with her mouth open for a few seconds and then she spits it all out. I'm pretty sure she's thinking, "When you told me I'd be eating real food, I thought you meant the good stuff that you eat, not this stuff- this is the most disgusting thing ever!" So we'll try this for a few days and see if we make any progress.
Here Mom let me try.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Yes, I do realize how lucky I am to have such a good husband, good baby, and good friends!
So Anabelle and I are home from our travels and trying to get back into our daily routine. I was feeling nervous to fly with Anabelle alone but it turns out I had nothing to be scared of, but that is because I had lots of help.
On Friday afternoon we picked up John from work and headed to Midway Airport. Once there we parked in short term parking and John helped me lug a pack and play, duffel bag, car seat, stroller, diaper bag and baby to the ticketing desk. There we were able to check everything but the baby, stroller, and diaper bag-with no charge for anything. (gotta love Southwest) After going through that I don't know how I could have done it alone, so it was great to have John. John then walked us to security and kissed us goodbye for the weekend. He then went home to sleep for the entire 3 days we were gone =) And we were on our own!
Getting through security was a little tricky, but when most people see that you are traveling alone with a baby they try to either help you, or at least not rush you or give you dirty looks. It helped that I wore slip on shoes and had a stroller to put Belle in while loading and unloading. After security we had time to go get water to fill up her bottles for the plane ride, eat some dinner, change diapers, and walk around for a while before it was time to board. Southwest lets you board between group A and B if you have a small child. We checked the stroller at the door of the plane and then got on and found a window seat in the back. Luckily a nice lady sat next to us who had children of her own and was understanding. Anabelle ate a bottle on the way up, then fussed for a little bit, slept for 20 minutes and then woke up a little cranky. Thankfully I had brought along our magic tree globe that mesmorizes Belle and she stared at that pretty happily for the rest of the trip.
When we landed and retrieved our stroller once we got off the plane. Marena and Adam were waiting for us at the gate, Kansas City Airport is great because it is so small. After lots of hugs and oohs and ahhs over Belle, we were off to baggage claim to get all of our stuff. Thankfully they were there to help, because again I don't know how I would have done that alone. We got all loaded into the car and headed to Target to buy diapers, wipes, formula, and bottled water-it is easier to buy it all there than to pack it.
The next few days went way too quickly. Marena and Adam were wonderful hosts, always making sure that Anabelle and I had everything we needed. Friday night was spent hanging out and chatting at their place. Saturday Marena took me to get my haircut, something I don't often do, which was so nice. Then we went out to a great Mexican place for some yummy food. And finally Saturday night they hosted a party where I got to meet lots of their friends I had heard so much about. Marena has some really sweet people that she works with, and we had a fun time that night. Sunday Marena took me to paint pottery with some of her other mommy friends, I forgot how much I love to paint. I was even able to paint a tile and put Belle's footprint on it-so cute! Then Sunday night we relaxed and Marena made us dinner. Monday came way too quick, and already it was time to go. On the way to the airport we stopped to have lunch with Adam's mom, who I had always heard so much about but never met. She was very sweet and we had a nice lunch.
Then it was off to the airport... It was pretty much the same routine as it was on the trip there. Marena was great and helped me through everything till I got to security. On the plane a nice guy who was in the Army sat next to me, he had two kids with another on the way, and was leaving his family for 5 months of training (can't even imagine what his wife is going through). He was so nice and tried to make Belle smile and never once complained when she started crying. She ate a bottle on the way up, fell asleep for about 30 minutes then woke up and started fussing. She looked at her globe for a while but we were making a really slow long decent and it was bothering her ears. So I gave her another bottle and that helped. And before we knew it we were on the ground.
John was waiting for us and boy were we happy to see him again!
Before the trip I was explaining to John that it is hard to travel on your own because it is you 24/7 taking care of the baby and you don't want to impose on others and ask for help. But I have to thank Marena and Adam because they were so great with Anabelle, always wanting to hold her, feed her, and play with her. I really didn't feel like it was me alone, they were so helpful. Also they are great with babies and when they are ready, I know they will make great parents! I also have to thank Anabelle because she truly was SO GOOD this weekend. To the point where I was like, "No really- she doesn't usually sleep 13 hours" She was easy going, happy, and slept great! When she was fussy it wasn't too bad. Finally I have to thank John for sending me, offering to stay home with Belle if I wanted him to, and helping me at the airport. This was a great Christmas present. (Hmmm... this sounds like an acceptance speech)
So now I am just sitting here missing my friends, and wondering when we can visit again. Valentine's day is coming up, do you think John will surprise me with another trip to KC?
Marena Adam and Anabelle
Adam was really great with Anabelle
Anabelle wearing her "I love Auntie" shirt from her Aunt Marena, so cute!
Yes, she does love her Aunt!
Anabelle had a knack for spitting up on Marena, it started as soon as we stepped off the plane, and continued the whole weekend. Thankfully Marena didn't mind. This would have been such a cute picture had Anabelle not spit up, yuck!
Marena feeding Belle
We were a little worried about Marena and Adam's dogs wanting to eat Anabelle, but they were so good with her. Here Stella keeps a watchful eye over Belle as Jasper lounges on the bed. Stella spent a lot of time sitting at Belle's feet, making sure she was safe.
Jasper wasn't as concerned, typical male =)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Kansas City or bust!
Just a few short months ago I was complaining to my husband how much I missed my very good friend Marena. For anyone who doesn't know, she used to live here and moved to Kansas City a few years ago to be with her now husband, Adam. When she lived in Illinois we were together quite often. Marena has quite a unique personality and makes every situation fun. I have so many memories of us having a great time. Not only does she make me laugh like no one else can, to the point where your stomach aches, but she is also always there to support me, cheer me on and listen when I need it. Our last visit was in early October, and I was already missing her and wishing we could see each other again. I wanted to go and visit her but didn't have the money to fly there.
Little did I know that my wonderful husband had an idea. On Christmas morning I was so surprised to open my gift from him and find a plane ticket to Kansas City. He had spoken to Marena and arranged for me to go visit her. I was like a kid again, so happy to be going to see my friend. John, you did a very good job, extra bonus points for you this year, thank you!!
So now here I am getting all packed up tonight for me and Belle to go see Marena! I am very excited to be going. I am also a little nervous to be traveling with Anabelle alone, but it is just a short flight and we will be just fine. I am certain I will have a blast and have lots of stories and pictures to share of our great visit. Stay tuned, and I hope you all have a great weekend as well!!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Finally Posting Christmas Pics!!
So here we are almost halfway through January and I still haven't posted Christmas pictures. I know-bad blogger, bad!
Well I finally got my act together and uploaded all of the pictures from the last few weeks, hope you enjoy!
Anabelle watches Santa fly all over the globe
Mikey shows Anabelle where Santa is on google maps
We thought is would be cute to get a picture of Anabelle with a candy cane
John explains how the whole "present" thing works.
Anabelle unwraps her first present.
Hmmm... I wonder what it is?
ooh a doll!
Now she opens her presents from Santa
Opening presents is hard work... I think I'll just take a little nap. Notice her new napping pose (one hand sucking thumb, the other hand rubbing the bald spot on the back of her head) so funny!
One of Anabelle's favorite things to do is to look at the tree.
Here she is all dressed, hanging with Grandpa.
Spending some quality time with Uncle Mikey
Looking at the tree and her new bell ornament.
Laughing with Grandma
Merry Christmas!
Wow a giraffe, I love it!
On New Years Day we had a fun time hanging out in the kitchen while I made brunch. Anabelle loves to look at her new elf from Grandma and Grandpa while she sits in her high chair.
Playing with her new musical caterpillar, from Aunt Marena and Uncle Adam.
She loves to lay on her boppy pillow, lately she pushes herself over it with her legs and lands on her head, silly girl!
All that playing made Anabelle tired, here she is taking a nap with her glo-worm, one of her favorite new toys.
Aunt Becky stopped by for a visit.
Happy New Year!
Hanging out with Uncle Joe and Aunt Kari
Here I was trying to capture Anabelle's progress in almost rolling over. I have been putting her toys far away from her in an attempt to lure her to roll over. She is making progress, but hasn't rolled over yet.
Anabelle attended her first U of I game at the United Center. She was kinda dazed throughout the whole game. It was a lot of action for a little girl, but I think she kinda liked it. Lots of interesting things to look at. Sadly Illinois lost, but there will be other games.
We also made some visits to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Here we are trying to get some laughs out of Anabelle.
Here I caught Anabelle taking a little nap, looking so sweet.
Anabelle loves to read her new books. Here she is reading a favorite from Uncle Joe and
Aunt Kari- If you give a Mouse a Cookie
She loves her new Minnie doll from Uncle Mikey and Aunt Steph, she can hold it all by herself and tries to eat its nose.
One of her favorite things is a gift that I got, a glass globe with a Christmas tree that lights up. She can stare at it for quite some time, trying to touch it, lick it, and in general eat it. Of course we are very careful with it, but she just loves it.
This past weekend we read the paper together, Anabelle likes to look at the colorful ads while sitting in her high chair.
Here is Anabelle in a toy that her Aunt Bonnie got for her quite some time ago. When I first tried it out she was only a few weeks old and I remember thinking she'll get lost in there! Oh boy how a few months changes everything. She is finally big enough to enjoy it. In fact she loves her new tunnel. It has different textured fabrics, lots of hanging toys, and pictures of animals for her to enjoy.
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