This week has been a bit of a rough one...
On Wednesday I caught some virus going around that resulted in lots of time spent in the bathroom and on the couch. Thankfully it only lasts about 24-48 hours and I was feeling better soon. Also thankfully my mom was able to take a day off work and come take care of Anabelle and myself because I was in no condition to take care of little Miss. On the not so good side, my mom caught what I had and was out of commission for a few days. Sorry Mom!
As of now Anabelle has not been sick and John may have only had a very mild version-no time spent in the bathroom, just time on the couch. Wait a minute... maybe he wasn't sick at all? Just kidding =)
Anabelle has really been walking up a storm, and basically does laps all over the house now. Since she can climb stairs too, there is no stopping her- until she hits a baby gate or door. She feels that she should be able to roam freely throughout the house and gets quite angry with you when you tell her "no, you cannot go upstairs right now", or you put up a baby gate to keep her out of a desired space. She pouts, whines, and cries. It is not pleasant. But I guess that's what toddlers do right?
So in an effort to burn some energy and give her some unrestricted "running" room, we headed outside this afternoon to play in the back yard.
On a very rare occasion Anabelle will allow you to hold her hand, we are working on this.


Feeling the tree bark

It's cold, time to go inside!