After a weekend full of crappy weather, it was finally beautiful today. A little hot ( 9o degrees) but after all the rain and cold temps, I'll take it! Since it had been a busy weekend, we decided to try and take it easy today. We started out the morning by going to the Naperville Memorial Day parade. This would be our 1st parade with Anabelle and I wasn't sure how she'd like it.
We didn't think that Anabelle would be patient enough to head over early, so we left the house around 10 (the parade starts at 10:30) and hoped we would still be able to find a good spot. After a ten minute walk to downtown we settled on a spot that was not shady, but at least we would be able to see a little of the parade. We passed some time by taking a few pictures and then we waited for the parade to start.
And waited. And waited. And waited some more. Finally around 10:50 it started, by then Anabelle was getting antsy. We tried to put her on John's shoulders so that she could see better. She liked that for a little while.
And then she was ready to be done. She wanted to get down and run all around, but it really wasn't the kind of setting where she could run around. After spending 5 minutes chasing a toddler around, I made the executive decision to head back home. After being out in the sun for about an hour we were all hot and sweaty, and Anabelle wasn't really watching the parade anymore. Shockingly, John didn't protest.
Once home we had lunch and Anabelle made a lousy attempt at taking a nap. While she did that I washed the car. It's so nice to be able to wash your own car in your own driveway. I know that seems like a small thing, but after years of living in apartments and condos you learn to appreciate things like a hose and driveway. I also broke out the shop-vac that our landlord has in the storage space. I am in love with that thing now! It must have sucked up a million cheerios, you gotta love driving around a kid. Our little car is all clean and pretty now, yay!
After a short nap, Anabelle decided it was time to play outside in the sun.
John grilled us some hot dogs for dinner and along with some onion roasted potatoes and watermelon, it felt like the start of summer. I hope you all had a relaxing Memorial day, and a great kick off to your summer!