In other news, things are going great with the condo; we have finally gotten to a point where everything is functional. In the past month we had our ice maker on the fridge fixed, something John is VERY pleased with. I swear I think it’s such a man thing to have an endless supply of ice; it must be comforting in some way. We also had our very nice handy-man Dave put in a garbage disposal and put deadlocks on the doors. John remarked that he slept better with them on, and I am certain I will feel much better the next time John is out of town. Don’t worry Becky now I won’t have to break an ankle with my window escape route… So aside from some long-term goals of a fireplace, and surround sound we are good for a while.
Now that it is getting warmer my mood is significantly improving. Pretty soon we’ll be able to walk to downtown Evanston, and do some shopping. Beer gardens will be opening, and outdoor restaurants. And of course they’ll be some Cubs games to go to. It seems like the summer just flies by with each weekend booked full of activities, but I can’t wait!
A little shout out to my good friends Marena and Adam, who have purchased their first house together, congrats! I know you’ll have a great time making it a home.

Automatic ice makers are awesome. Maybe it IS a guy thing, who knows. What else is awesome? Having an ice dispenser in the fridge door.
Congrats on the race! First race at 13.2 min/mile and you improved to 12 min/mile! Good stuff! By the end of the summer we'll have you running sub 10.
I'll be honest with you though, the runner's high is elusive for you because you're not running fast enough or far enough, but you'll get there. It is such a great feeling, you know your body is in motion and you keep moving and pumping and going, but you almost feel weightless and can't even feel your legs or your lungs (in a good way.)
Does it really hurt everytime you run? Maybe it is time to take a day or two off. If you have and that doesn't help, maybe it is time to work on your form or get some new shoes. It is totally worth it to go to a specialty running store and be correctly fitted for running shoes. Stay away from the big chain stores.
And (finally,) when is that young man going to put a ring on that nice girl's finger. It seems their whole relationship has progressed backwards.
Christy, I am so proud of you! You need to put on your running shoes and run on down to Kansas. It's just 507 miles away. At this rate, you'll be up to 507 miles in a couple of months. So, that means I'll see you in mid June.
Thanks for the comment about our first house. We are quite excited! Weir has a point and I think I'll be addressing that with Mr. Mitchell tonight.
Both this post and the comments to it are awesome! Marena, congrats on the house! Christy, I think you should start strength training so that when you run down to Kansas City you can pull me in one of those kiddie bicycle-tents behind you. Weeeeee!
Weir, I'm pretty sure what you're describing is a heart attack.
I have never gotten a runner's high (at least not while I was running); and I certainly don't think it's because I haven't run far or fast enough yet. I always thought that it referred to when you have run yourself to complete exhaustion and then stopped and the body released a ton of endorphins and you feel really good. I have definitely felt that, but it has been my experience that running faster and increased pain have a direct correlation without respite.
From wikipedia:
"A study in 2004 by Georgia Tech found that runner's high might be caused by the release of another naturally produced chemical, the endocannabinoid anandamide. Anandamide is similar to the active chemical, THC, found in marijuana."
Or you could check this out.
From that blog/article:
"For a mile, maybe two, I slipped into another world, a timeless one where there was no effort, no clocks, no yesterday, no tomorrow. I floated along for 15 minutes, aware of nothing, just drifting. Then a big truck thundered past, and the spell was broken. Goodbye runner's high. Hello noxious fumes."
The wiki article suggests that it happens around the time your glycogen stores are depleted, so if you're not going hard for at least an hour, the chances of going euphoric are slim.
I remember a phone call in which you stated, "don't worry Mom, I'm not becoming one of those RUNNER PEOPLE". I am taking you at your word, and WILL remind you should the need arise:-) Moderation, is greatly under-rated, I have found it to serve me well :-) If you are enjoying the smaller races that may be the way to go!Cheeseburgers are always at the ready, Love, Mom and Dad PS, congrats to Marena and Adam
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Haha. Both you and John got his by "This post is likeable."
John's blog is better than yours.
Whatever why don't you make your own blog!
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