People often ask you how you’re feeling when you’re pregnant, and I can only describe it as feeling like someone has taken over my body, which I guess is true. I can no longer rely on the things I know I love to eat. For example the baby has broken up my relationship with bacon, a food I have enjoyed a love affair with for almost 29 years. I have always been a person who NEEDED coffee to function and truly loved the taste of a good cup of joe-well no longer. Going to the Superbowl party was interesting. A day I used to look forward to being able to eat all kinds of yummy treats, was reduced to taking a bite of many favorites only to find out that they tasted disgusting to me and handing them off to John. Don’t worry there are some foods that I now find I love. In the last 3 days I ate an entire box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, bagels and cream cheese are a favorite, pasta, granola bars, and frozen yogurt are up there too.
Even my nose has turned on me, requiring John to do things like clean out the refrigerator, clean the litter box quite often, and basically get rid of anything with even the slightest odor. My assistant at work last week even had to take out a garbage filled with half eaten bowls of cheerios for fear I would throw up on the kids.
And I’m not even going to get started on the amount of time I spend peeing lately.
Other than those issues I have been fortunate enough to feel okay, I know many women have it MUCH worse. And I am told these “symptoms” (except for the peeing) will subside after the first trimester.
John and I went in for our first ob/gyn appointment last Wednesday, everything went well, I appear to be in good health and the baby is doing well. Our Dr. tried to freak us out a bit by thinking that she saw two heartbeats, (you can imagine our own heartbeats at that moment) but it seems the baby was just in a curled position that made it “look” like two heartbeats. So no twins for now. Here are some pictures from the visit.
Congrats on the pregnancy!
What kind of baby doesn't like bacon? I thought everyone loved bacon! This does alarm me a bit.
Looking forward to the updates ...
No twins? I think you're just not trying hard enough.
Wow, I haven't had cinnamon toast crunch in years, but it still sounds delicious.
Nooo.... not bacon! The humanity of it!
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