We had a great weekend here in the Delaney house. Anabelle, John, and I survived our first night apart. Friday night Mommy and Daddy went to a concert and had a great time, while Grandma and Grandpa Smith babysat. We went out to dinner, and enjoyed being able to eat hot food, with both hands, and at the same time. Then it was off to see Mike Doughty, a singer we have seen before and really enjoy, it was a great show. Following the concert we decided to take advantage of the fact that we had a sitter and met up with some friends celebrating a birthday. It was a late night, but fun... and I only got sad and weepy a few times :)

Saturday was spent reuniting with Belle and doing some shopping with grandma at the outlet mall, of course we bought some cute stuff!
Sunday Belle, John, and I spent the day watching football, and that night went to a Bears party at a friends place. Anabelle was great, she loves being around people and didn't fuss at all. We came home and put Belle to bed at 11pm and she had her first full night of sleep. She was nice enough to sleep till 7am! John and I both got up to make sure she was still breathing...we were both so surprised she slept so long. We'll see if she keeps it up or if it was a fluke.
Introducing Anabelle to Target today, she's gonna learn to love that store. Happy Monday everyone!
Love love LOVE the picture with Belle looking at the camera. She's all, "I got my eye on you. You better watch it."
Blah blah Belle is so cute I could die she's getting bigger every day and ooh her hair is changing, etc.
Glad you guys had a successful night apart and a fun night out! Give Belle a high five for me on the marathon sleeping. As a champion sleeper it does my heart proud.
Becky :)
Very cute video :-) We had so much fun keeping the Belle overnight, sorry that you didn't really get to enjoy it, but I do understand. It was so very cute watching you to on Sat, happy Mommy to have her baby back! She is changing now, when you look at the first pictures and the most recent ones you can see the changes. Oh, did you try on her new jammies yet? Have fun tonight, hope it's two nights in a row, Love, Mom :-)
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