Oh so much blogging to catch up on.... there's only one thing to do. Just dive right in. Today I will take you back to Anabelle's birthday, Friday September 17th. It's funny as a Mom, in your mind the one year mark is a big deal. You think about it for weeks leading up to the big day. My baby was no longer going to be a baby. She is a toddler now-frightening! But then when that day came, it wasn't so bad. Probably because we were so busy with all of the fan fair that I didn't think about it much.
John worked from home and Mom came over to have breakfast and open presents. Anabelle was in a great mood as she played with her balloon and S-L-O-W-L-Y opened some presents.
In the afternoon, Anabelle, Mom and I went to the Cosley Zoo, in Wheaton. This is a smaller zoo, ideal for little kiddos. You can get pretty close to the animals. Anabelle seemed to enjoy it. The weather was beautiful and I know Mom and I had a great time walking around with Anabelle and checking out all the animals.

In the evening John and I took the birthday girl out for dinner to Giordano's. She definitely takes after her Mommy and Daddy with her love of deep dish pizza. She really likes people watching while out and smiling at all the people around her.
Check back in a day or two for Part 2: the party!
Great post Sweetie, so enjoyed sharing the day with you and the Belle :-) Love, Mom
Is she walking yet? I need spoilers!
no walking yet... lots of "cruising" along the furniture and now she stands on her own without holding on to anything, but hasn't taken steps yet.
BTW- she wore the U of I dress you get her last weekend, I will post pics of it eventually-very cute!
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