After a late night Friday John and I were up bright and early Saturday morning to drive to Naperville to go to the Easter Egg Hunt. Naperville hosts a free hunt every year at the sports complex. It is a huge event with lots of kids. The city hides plastic eggs filled with candy (and by "hide" I mean lays out tons of eggs in plain sight on a flat field) I was surprised by how many people show up. They have separate fields set up for each age range, which is really great because I was a little concerned about Anabelle getting trampled by an 8 year old in a big hurry to get some candy. My parents met us at the Egg Hunt with Anabelle since they had babysat her the night before. We all arrived with just enough time to park, snap a few pictures, see the Easter Bunny, and then head over to the one - two year old field.
Anabelle wore a dress, coat, and bonnet that I wore as a baby.
She was not as enthralled with this Easter Bunny, I think she was already trying to get her game face on for the hunt, and was going over strategies for getting the most chocolate.

It was really fun to look around at all the kids with their parents trying to help them find eggs.
Once home it was time for a long nap for Anabelle and for me to get ready for dinner. John's family was joining us on Saturday for dinner, cake and some visiting.
A couple of weeks ago I found this cozy coupe car at a garage sale. I had been wanting to get Anabelle one for quite a while but they run about $40 at the store and so I thought I would wait and see if I could find one cheaper. When I saw this at a garage sale and asked the price the lady said $5! I couldn't believe that, either she was really nice, or didn't know that she could get a lot more for it. Never one to not try for more of a bargain I asked if she would take $3, and she said yes!! Best garage sale deal EVER!!!
Start to finish it was a really great day!
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