One week ago On February 24th, Charlotte decided to make her appearance into the world. On Thursday the 23rd, I started out the morning feeling pretty good, commenting to my neighbor that it would still be a few days as I was not feeling like Charlotte was coming any time soon. Around 1 pm that day my back started hurting really badly and I spent the rest of the day laying on the couch or in bed with a hot water bottle. I remember thinking, okay maybe she'll come in a few days I am finally starting to feel uncomfortable. I guess I had this opinion because I was very uncomfortable with Anabelle for a long time, so I thought -well that's just how it goes. Imagine my surprise when at 6 am the next morning I was woken up by a sharp pain and my water breaking. I woke up John and we started getting ready to go to the hospital. We called my Mom, who came right over to watch Anabelle and then we drove the 3 minutes to the hospital. Once there, they checked me out and got me all hooked up to machines to monitor the baby. My contractions were pretty close and strong by then, so around 8 am I got an epidural. Soon after at around 10:30 it was time to push. Everything went pretty quickly and smoothly with the only issue being that Charlotte had a short umbilical cord, so they needed to use the vacuum to help get her out. At 10:44 am Charlotte Catherine Delaney was born, she was 7 lbs. 6 oz. and 19 inches long. She came out kicking and screaming and was very alert. She has a lot of dark brown hair, which surprised me, and it looks like she has blue/grey eyes for now, but I know that they can change. Our time at the hospital was spent with visitors and getting to know our newest addition.
Over the last week, we have been taking it day by day trying to get as much rest as possible while keeping Charlotte and Anabelle happy. Instead of taking off a week straight, John has decided to work from home 1 day each week and then take 1 day off each week, so he is home 2 days a week and then my Mom has been coming over on the days when John is at work. The extra help is so appreciated. I am not looking forward to the day when I am home alone taking care of 2 kids on my own, hopefully it won't be any time soon.
Weighing in at 7lbs 6 oz
1st doctors appointment on Tuesday, she looked great! Only down to 7lbs. 3 oz, we go back next Friday for another weight check

Wow, you had time to write a blog! Tell me your secret! Such a great blog to read! I can't wait to meet her and to wrap my arms around Anabelle!
Great News and blog and photos, thanks for putting it all together, we love you all so much!!
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